Transforming General Mortgage Capital Corporation's Digital Presence: An Omni Pro Digital Case Study

As the Growth Marketing Manager at Omni Pro Digital, Adrian Pineda spearheaded the initiative to establish the digital marketing presence for General Mortgage Capital Corporation (GMCC), an 8-figure revenue mortgage industry leader. He was entrusted with conceptualizing and implementing a comprehensive Growth Marketing Blueprint for GMCC, overseeing client acquisition, growth strategy, and ad campaign development from the ground up.

The Growth Marketing Blueprint

The Growth Marketing Blueprint provided GMCC with a potent strategy to grow and scale their digital presence, including social media marketing, content creation, lead generation, and performance-driven advertising.

Social Media Marketing: Weekly Posting to Promote Awareness and Drive Engagement

Adrian implemented a social media marketing strategy that involved weekly posting on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to grow the company’s network sales force and advertise specific products.

White Paper: Lead Magnets for TOFU Lead Capture and Establishing GMCC as an Industry Leader

In addition to social media, we created

white papers & ebooks lead magnets to

capture top-of-funnel (TOFU) leads and

establish GMCC as an authority and

industry leader.

Company Audit &

Competitor Research

To ensure we were focusing our efforts in

the right areas, we conducted a

comprehensive company audit to

identify challenges and opportunities.

We also conducted in-depth competitor

analysis to determine content gaps and

what content would perform better.

YouTube and LinkedIn Company Videos

To further drive awareness and promote networking and recruiting, we produced company videos for GMCC's YouTube channel and LinkedIn profile.

Product Specific Landing Pages

Developed product-specific landing pages to highlight GMCC's special offers and capture leads.


Created infographics to help disseminate market information to prospects, brand promotion, and establish GMCC's brand voice and authority.

Continual Campaign Optimization at GMCC

Adrian optimized GMCC's campaigns continually through weekly review sessions. Audits, industry monitoring, and data analysis allowed strategic adjustments, ensuring their digital marketing remained fresh and aligned with evolving goals.

Weekly Consultation

To keep GMCC's clients informed and make any necessary adjustments, we provided weekly consultations.

Weekly Consultation

To keep GMCC's clients informed and make any necessary adjustments, we provided weekly consultations.

Facebook Ad Campaign Strategy

Our Facebook ad campaign strategy involved providing creative solutions from ideation to conceptual execution.

Unlocking the Opportunity:

Addressing GMCC's Digital Challenge

Prior to our partnership, GMCC faced a significant challenge - they lacked a robust digital marketing infrastructure. With no cohesive digital strategy, social media presence, or lead capture mechanisms in place, they were missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with their target audience and drive business growth.

Unlocking the Opportunity:

Addressing GMCC's Digital Challenge

Prior to our partnership, GMCC faced a significant challenge - they lacked a robust digital marketing infrastructure. With no cohesive digital strategy, social media presence, or lead capture mechanisms in place, they were missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with their target audience and drive business growth.

Integrated Digital Marketing:

Powering the Transformation

Our comprehensive strategy focused on creating a seamless digital marketing funnel to attract, engage, and convert prospective clients. This involved establishing a strong social media presence, implementing a content marketing infrastructure, and deploying lead capture mechanisms that would generate high-quality leads at the lowest possible cost.

Content Marketing Infrastructure:

Fueling the Funnel

Top-of-Funnel (TOFU) Assets

At the core of our strategy were a white paper and two ebooks created as top-of-funnel (TOFU) assets to generate leads and build out GMCC's subscriber list for follow-up and lead nurturing. The first ebook, "Your Guide to U.S. Home Mortgages," was listed on Amazon to promote brand awareness on this important platform.

The second ebook, "Foreign National's Guide to Buying a Home in the U.S.," was tailored to promote GMCC's Universe Loan, a product specifically created for foreign nationals living in the U.S. and abroad. To reach GMCC's primary customer base of Mandarin and Cantonese speakers, we also implemented versions of this campaign in both languages.

Middle-of-Funnel (MOFU)

Additionally, we retargeted visitors to the ebook landing page and people who downloaded the ebook with a follow on middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) video campaign promoting GMCC's Universe Loan, a specialized product for foreign nationals.

Bottom-of-Funnel (BOFU)

We then continued to retarget these MOFU video viewers with an additional bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) video ad campaign featuring direct-response marketing messages to compel hot prospects to take action.

Driving Remarkable Results

Our data-driven approach yielded

Facebook Cost per Lead: $8

Conversion Rate: 12%

Click-Through-Rate: 3.3%

Return on Ad Spend: 1,200%

Partnership in Action: Co-Creating Digital Success

Collaborative Partnership:

Unlocking GMCC's Digital


The success of this digital transformation was built on the strong partnership between Omni Pro Digital, Adrian, and GMCC. By working closely with the GMCC team, we were able to align our strategies, leverage their industry expertise, and continuously optimize the marketing efforts to drive sustainable growth.

Invitation to Learn More

Adrian's methodical approach combines strategic insights with proven tactics to elevate your digital presence, amplify brand awareness, and drive sustainable revenue growth. Let's unlock your digital potential and propel your organization towards greater success.

Contact Adrian Today!